What a weird couple weeks, huh?
I’m constantly told that I live in a liberal bubble here in New York, but on my group texts with friends from Wisconsin and elsewhere, it seems like everyone’s in the same boat now. Folks everywhere are dealing with the effects of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Bottom line? Things are not great!
We’re talking: that eerie sense of panicked calm, hastily assembled childcare arrangements, sharing photos of empty grocery store shelves on one’s chosen social media platform. We’re living in the exposition of a scary movie that no one knows the ending to.
So while Team SG is WFH for the next couple weeks, it feels pollyanna-isa to pretend that we can keep publishing stories about how you can look, feel, and act your best like everything is normal.
Don’t get me wrong—that’s all still important! It’s just that the best advice I or anyone else can give you right now on how to do all three of those things? It’s simple:
Just stay home, if you can. Done, finito. That’s it.
Don’t go out. Don’t wear that new turtleneck to the office. Don’t ask anyone out on a first date.
Stay home. Get your work done. Watch Netflix. Repeat.
We’ve been planning our annual SG Madness tourney for some time now, so we’ll be running that over on Instagram (follow us there, if you don’t already!) and taking the next two weeks to work on stories for summer, and bubble up some older features that deserve a second look.
This is a scary time, and we want you to focus on staying well, keeping yourself and others safe, and wearing the hell out of some sweatpants while you WFH for the foreseeable future.
If you’re interested in donating to those impacted by this outbreak, Esquire has a good list of worthy organizations. And if you are still not treating COVID-19 as anything more than a flu that “the libs” are freaking out about, this tik tok from GQ offers a pretty comprehensive rundown on why you should practice social distancing right now. Yes, even if you feel absolutely fine.
Thanks. Be safe, and see you on Instagram!