How many times has a romance fizzled but one of you followed up “I don’t think this isn’t working out...” with “...but I’d love to stay friends.” A bunch,
This is The All-Time Best Cheap Date Idea
When it comes to cheap date ideas, you'll find plenty of standard, run of the mill suggestions on the internet. Game night at home with board games and homemade
How to Improve your Performance in the Bedroom
Did that intentionally cheesy headline grab you? Good.Now’s where we hit you with the bait and switch, revealing that the intel you need to become a total stud
A Guy’s Guide To First Date Do’s and Don’ts
So we've talked about marriage, but you know what comes before marriage? Okay, well, first comes swiping right on each other on a dating app.And after that? An
9 Tips to Survive the Holidays with Your Partner’s Family
This post was originally published in 2015, but seems extra-relevant this year so we thought we'd reshare it. Enjoy!Starbucks cups are turning red, Black Friday
How to End a Relationship (or Fling) Like a Man
Recently, a friend of mine was talking to me about a girl he was seeing and how he was planning to end the relationship. He’d taken her on four dates, but he
How To: Introduce Your Date to Your Friends
When it comes to TV show relationships, I’ve always found it bonkers how quickly the characters introduce their love interests to the rest of their respective
Balancing Act: Dating Advice From a Woman Who Has Your Back
PC: Julia Kostreva Did everyone have a good Shark Week? I know I did. Besides my birthday week (which is July 26th, by the way. I like donuts. And peonies.),
Advice from a Woman on Flirting at the Gym
Summer is officially upon us. While the Dad Bod may have been a thing for the winter (though I’m still skeptical it was ever really a thing), you want to look