Guys, get men's outfit ideas and shopping picks for this year's Stagecoach Festival, Friday April 26, 2024 through Sunday April 28, 2024.One summer in college,
The Benefits of a Personal Daily Uniform
Do you wear a daily uniform?No, I’m not talking just to the military servicemen, marching band members, and fast food burger slingers out there.I'm asking, do
Don’t Use Paper Clips as Collar Stays! A Plea
We had a good chat recently on the Style Girlfriend Slack recently about collar stays.Yes, really. Some or our stylists were for the metal magnet kind, some
Black Friday Shopping Picks From Team SG
Disclosure: This feature was created in partnership with rewardStyle and Bonobos. Thanks for supporting the brands that make Style Girlfriend possible!Right
Classic Guys’ Halloween Costumes That Always Hit
I’m not big on Halloween. Well, that’s not totally true—I love helping my niece and nephew pick their costumes (she’s going to be Ariel. He’s the Hulk). And I
The Guy’s Guide to Shopping for a Custom Suit
Suit shopping is often one of men's biggest style challenges. Going off the rack is budget-friendly but can be hard to find a perfect fit. And once you've taken
What Women Want To See You Wearing: Gingham
A few summers ago, a Tumblr (remember those?) called “That J.Crew Gingham Shirt” launched - a repository for pics of guys wearing a certain blue and white