You guys know how much I love a good reader email. That’s why I couldn’t help but share this amazing message sent our way by Chris, a Style Girlfriend follower.
Check out Chris’s personal style journey:
“I recently found myself divorced and dealing with it in unproductive ways. For eleven years I never had to worry about meeting anyone and therefore didn’t worry too much about my appearance.
While I never dressed that bad and I generally took care of myself, I never felt that I could or should pull off anything remotely fashionable. I never felt confident or comfortable venturing outside of the confines of a pair of ill-fitting jeans and a plaid shirt.
Well, after it became obvious that alcohol was not going to be a good solution for moving on, I started to pay a little more attention to my appearance. It started innocently enough being a voyeur on a few mens fashion sites I happened to discover. As all things internet go, one site leads to ten others and so on and so forth until I was getting an education on fit, fabric, color, etc.