It's a new month — and a new look! —on Style Girlfriend.Fresh strawberries. A fresh haircut. A certified fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The Fresh Prince of
A Day Without the Women of Style Girlfriend
This piece was originally published in 2017. We're featuring it again today in the spirit of this year's International Women's Day. Head here to discover more
What is the Female Gaze and Why Should I Look For It?
I have a tendency to get intimidated by intellectual, long-form essays and philosophical arguments. I am still too scared to use the phrase “intersectionality”
3-Step Strategy for Never-Boring Neutral Home Decor
It's Reboot Month here on Style Girlfriend. From your wardrobe to your attitude to your home, get ready to rethink and retool your way to a lifestyle upgrade
Things to Do in New York at Christmas
Disclosure: This post was created in partnership with Uniqlo. Thanks for supporting the brands that keep Style Girlfriend going! Picture Kevin
9 Tips to Survive the Holidays with Your Partner’s Family
This post was originally published in 2015, but seems extra-relevant this year so we thought we'd reshare it. Enjoy!Starbucks cups are turning red, Black Friday
How to Host a Successful Theme Party
Read up on unique party theme ideas and how to be the perfect host, below... A piece of personal history about me is that I spent a fair amount of time in
Workout 101: A Guy’s Guide to Boxing
When it comes to confidence, there’s plenty of places a guy can start. For some, it begins with a wardrobe overhaul. For others, it’s tackling a new fitness
Workout 101: A Guy’s Guide to Barre Class
When it comes to confidence, there’s plenty of places a guy can start. For some, it begins with a wardrobe overhaul. For others, it’s tackling a new fitness
How to Sleep Better: 6 Tips to Look and Feel Good in the Morning
Daylight savings messed me up, guys. Sure, it's great to wake up in the morning without the help of your alarm (because, y'know, there's light streaming through
Let’s #Humblebrag the Vote
Were we to live in a perfect world, which (shocker! spoiler! twist!) we don’t, everyone would vote. You turn eighteen, and pouf! You are a voter. In the perfect
Style at Home: A Guide to Nailing Colorful Home Decor
At home right now? Look around. Are things looking a little...drab? Using color to spice up your living quarters is the fastest way to turn your boring beige
Workout 101: Guys’ Guide to November Project
When it comes to confidence, there’s plenty of places a guy can start. For some, it begins with a wardrobe overhaul. For others, it’s tackling a new fitness
“You Know Style Girlfriend?!?”
It’s official: fame has gone to my head. I’m actually surprised it took this long. A month or so ago, I mentioned to a friend that - according to Facebook -
How to Ace Campus Romance 101: 5 College Dating Tips to Know
Picture this: It’s 2004 and your girl Taylor has just pledged Kappa Kappa Gamma as a college freshman. To welcome the new class of members, the University of
Workout 101: Guy’s Guide to Kettlebell Training
When it comes to confidence, there’s plenty of places a guy can start. For some, it begins with a wardrobe overhaul. For others, it’s tackling a new fitness
The Best Life Advice from Relationships Gone Wrong
Earlier this summer, I reconnected with an old boyfriend. He was in town painting a mural, and DM’d me on Instagram (as if he didn’t still have my number?
Quick: How many kids do you want to have? What type of music do you like? What’s your favorite type of whiskey? Who’s the best Ninja Turtle? Got answers for
What I’ve learned about style from the men in my life
Here on Style Girlfriend, we talk a lot about what men can do better when it comes to style. As in, that’s literally what we're about - sharing the female pov
Shopping Roundup: 17 Stylish Office Supplies
By now, kids are fresh out of new school outfits. But you! You're an adult. You can buy yourself new stuff even if your mom won't take you to the mall. Don't
Reader Question: What to Buy for My Wife’s Birthday?
A reader asks: My wife is turning 38 in early November, and I want to get her some jewelry, which she never wears. Neither her style nor her personality are
Movies to Watch When You Don’t Really Want to Watch a Movie
My pal Polly recently invited me along to an outdoor screening she was attending after work. These kinds of events are catnip to New Yorkers, something about
Tips on Traveling as a Couple
Alicia Mara and her boyfriend Leo Chan started Levitate Style in 2014 to bring style and travel to the masses. The duo were on the ground floor of traveling
Taylor’s Take: Summer Date Style for Guys (Updated!)
I need to talk to you guys about summer date style. I have *feelings.*You know that song “Summer Nights,” from the classic 1978 movie musical Grease? “Summer
How To Give Good Compliments, and Be Better at Receiving Them
It's come to our attention that nobody - nobody! - feels totally comfortable with a compliment. We're not great at giving them. We're not always good at